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Our security packages use The Digital Video Recording (DVR) System which consists of two main parts.

The first is the Cameras, the Cameras that DC POS Systems uses are the highest quality Sony CCD(Color Capture Device) Cameras. On the interior we typically install sleek Vandal-proof Domes to minimize visibility and keep anyone from sabotaging your security system. Our domes use a Vari-Focal lens meaning that we can have them focus on the closest 10 feet or adjust them to see the other side of your building 150 feet away. The image quality is typically 480 TV lines much higher than the 420 TV lines used by most companies. In some situations we employ PTZ pan/tilt/zoom allowing remote control of your cameras from anywhere your viewing it from.

The second part is the actual Digital Video Recorder, the DVR is a box that sits at your location and acts as a central access point for your camera system. It records everything your cameras see for up to 6 months on some models. The DVR is also what provides remote viewing, by attaching your system to the internet we are able to give you access to your camera system from anywhere in the world. The DVR comes with a great deal of features that we customize for our clients, first is the Motion Sensing which will monitor one area of the camera say a back door, then it can alert the alarm system or email you whenever there is motion at that door in the middle of the night or during any other time of your choosing. With all of our DVRs we supply a mounted LCD screen on which to watch and control your cameras with your remote as easy as you would a television.
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